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Ted Enamorado, and Svetlana Kosterina. 2022. “Surrounded and Threatened: How Neighborhood Composition Reduces Ethnic Voting Through Intimidation.”  Political Science Research and Methods, 10, 1, Pp. 68-81.

Ethnic voting is an important phenomenon in the political lives of numerous countries. In the present paper, we propose a theory explaining why ethnic voting is more prevalent in certain localities than in others and provide evidence for it. We argue that local ethnic geography affects ethnic voting by making voters of an ethnicity that finds itself in the minority fear intimidation by their ethnic majority neighbors. We provide empirical evidence for our claim using the data from the round 4 of the Afrobarometer survey in Ghana to measure the voters’ beliefs that they are likely to face intimidation during electoral campaigns. Using geocoded data from rounds 3 and 4 of the Afrobarometer, as well as data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, we find no evidence for local public goods provision as an alternative mechanism.

Rex Deng

Written by Rex Deng

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