International RelationsMeasurementPolitical Economy Robust estimation with nonrandom measurement error and weak instruments
Comparative PoliticsInstitutionsMeasurement Why Geographically-Targeted Spending Under Closed-List Proportional Representation Favors Marginal Districts
American PoliticsBehaviorCausal InferenceExperimentsMeasurementNetworks Causality in political networks
American PoliticsBehaviorMeasurement How much is enough? The” ballot order effect” and the use of social science research in election law disputes
American PoliticsBehaviorMeasurement Polarization and Ideology: Partisan Sources of Low Dimensionality in Scaled Roll Call Analyses
MeasurementText Analysis A Pairwise Comparison Framework for Fast, Flexible, and Reliable Human Coding of Political Texts
American PoliticsBehaviorMeasurement Party Identification in the Age of Obama: Evidence on the Sources of Stability and Systematic Change in Party Identification from a Long-Term Panel Survey